Hello there, I’m Kimberly.

Therapy for those who never feel they are enough.  

Who knew all those “smart kid” praises were going to come back to haunt you?

Your whole life, approval has come from being smarter or better at something than others. Now all that over-achieving is coming back to bite you. Perhaps you’re a mom, and it feels like you’re simultaneously wasting your potential and failing your kids. Or you’re a young professional, and you’re too scared of looking stupid to make big moves or authentic connections. Maybe you haven’t done much of anything in life— you’re paralyzed by choosing the “wrong” thing or being average. 

All you want is to finally believe you’re enough– lovable and laudable for who you are, not what you do.

Let’s make it happen for you.

Hi, I’m Kimberly.

I’m a therapist who helps strivers quiet their anxiety, depression, and trauma so they can create a life they adore.

Somewhere in year two of being a therapist, I noticed something curious: almost all of my clients would breezily tell me, “Yeah, I was in all those gifted classes as a child. Now I’m an adult and I totally haven’t lived up to my potential.” Why was everyone having the same experience, and why were they all ending up on my therapy couch?

I started focusing on this specific pain point– the storylines, expectations, and sense of failure each client held so close to their hearts. No matter what other issue they were working on with me, these beliefs came up. When we transformed these beliefs, everything else in the client’s life opened up for change, too.

That “not enough” feeling is a gnawing ache, and we muffle it with trying to do everything (anxiety) or nothing (depression). Let’s try something else, instead.

How We Get You There

  • Identify Your Unique Storylines

  • Reprocess and Rewrite

  • Step into Self Acceptance

A little about me…

  • I feel most alive when I’m exploring a new city or country.

  • The perfect Saturday starts with a local craft fair, has a nap in the middle, and ends with a viewing of The Great British Baking Show.

  • I’m a Utah girl living in Texas, so you better believe I love both Costa Vida and Buc-ee’s.

  • My playlist is a rotation of The Beatles, Taylor Swift, 70s pop-rock, and Disney albums. Cinderella is my kids’ current favorite.

  • I’m almost constantly wearing a vintage-inspired outfit– my clients often comment when I’m wearing pants instead of a dress (it’s a rare occurrence)!

  • My creative side comes out when I sew new dresses and Halloween costumes– the planet Jupiter costume was a smashing success.

  • The internet is my weak spot, and I’m currently trying to train myself to not check my phone all the time.

  • I spend Sundays teaching the 3-4 year olds at church and then coming home to eat delicious bread made by my husband.

  • I have to limit my reading time– once I start a book it consumes me! I’m currently reading through all of Agatha Christie’s mysteries.

  • My family’s favorite activities are drinking hot chocolate during rainstorms and having dance parties in the kitchen.

My Qualifications
(in case you were wondering)

Master of Social Work (University of Utah)

Perinatal Mental Health Certification

EMDR Certified

50+ hours sex therapy training

Rape Crisis Hospital Response Team (former)

Formerly Gifted Child (yay, shared trauma!)

Family & Women's Studies (Brigham Young University)

Master of Social Work (University of Utah) • Perinatal Mental Health Certification • EMDR Certified • 50+ hours sex therapy training • Rape Crisis Hospital Response Team (former) • Formerly Gifted Child (yay, shared trauma!) • Family & Women's Studies (Brigham Young University) •

This is your time to know your true worth and actually go after the life you want.